Isle of Man Stamps and Coins

The Isle of Man Post Office celebrates the bicentenary of two of the Islands most iconic lighthouses

On Thursday 18th of October, the Isle of Man Post Office will issue a set of four stamps celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of the first permanent lighthouses on the Isle of Man at the Point of Ayre and on the Calf of Man.

Manx Folk Traditions recreated on Isle of Man Post Office stamps

An array of traditional folk customs which still form a part of people’s lives today will feature in a new set of stamps to be issued by the Isle of Man Post Office.

Isle of Man Post Office to present Mike Hailwood’s wife with commemorative coin pack numbers 40 and 60 to mark special anniversary year.

Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) is proud to announce the release of a limited edition commemorative coin pack to mark sixty years since fan favourite Mike Hailwood first raced the Isle of Man TT and forty years since he returned to the event.

‘There But Not There’  Remembering the fallen Manxmen of WW1 with the launch of the ANZAC Memorials of Rayner Hoff.

On Saturday 4th August 2018, a commemoration exactly 104 years after the outbreak of the Great War took place at the Manx Aviation and Military Museum in Ballasalla and was attended by family members whose relatives are featured on a new stamp collection from Isle of Man Post Office.

Manx Aviation and Military Museum to Host of Launch of ANZAC Commemorative Stamps

On Saturday 4th August 2018, The Manx Aviation and Military Museum will host the official launch of Isle of Man Post Office’s latest stamp collection ‘The ANZAC Memorials of Rayner Hoff’.

Scooter Enthusiasts Given the Stamp of Approval

On Saturday 23rd June 2018, 600 scooters set off from the Grandstand in Douglas as part of the Isle of Man International Scooter Rally.

Stamps Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Stanley Kubrick’s  ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Announced

‘2001’ Postal stamps granted Royal Approval. Stars and family appear with the stamps.


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