New appointment brings a wealth of experience to the Post Office

Niall Carey joins Isle of Man Post Office as Commercial Manager in preparation to take over the role from Russell Cowin, who will leave the business to go on a year's sabbatical.

Having worked in the banking industry in Ireland, Jersey and the Isle of Man for 27 years, Niall is well versed in business development, managing client relationships and dealing with key decision makers.

On joining Isle of Man Post Office Niall, who holds a masters degree in eBusiness, said:

"I feel I've joined Isle of Man Post Office at a real key time when the recommendation the business should be corporatised is due to be considered by the Council of Ministers soon. The business has a real proactive approach with a strong focus on growing into new commercial markets such as eGaming and introducing new services within the communication chain, to meet the changing social trends of customers. Not to mention the business's desire to continue embracing digital technologies to create new value added services."

He continued:

"Having latterly held the role of Senior Relationship Director for the past six years in the Bank of Ireland, my strengths are dealing with customers, managing an enthusiastic and committed team and helping a business evolve to its potential. I'm very much looking forward to this new challenge with Isle of Man Post Office."

Lisa Duckworth, Commercial Director, Isle of Man Post Office said:

"I'm delighted to welcome Niall into our Commercial team. He brings an extensive range of skills, experience and expertise to this very customer-focused role which can only benefit our customers and the business. He joins us now to ensure a smooth handover of roles and responsibilities in managing our Commercial Team whilst Russell Cowin prepares for his sabbatical. The Commercial team manages a wide portfolio of global clients in many sectors and I have no doubt Niall's experience will be useful as I'm always looking for ways in which we can improve our interaction with existing and potential customers."

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