Isle of Man Post Office News


Isle of Man Post Office understands the Communication Workers Union (CWU) is seeking membership support for strike action.

Isle of Man Post Office Announces Christmas Arrangements

Isle of Man Post Office will be distributing this year’s Christmas brochure from the 12th of November, and is pleased to announce details of its last posting dates, opening and closing times across its services for the festive period and other important information for customers.

The Isle of Man Post Office honors HRH Prince Charles with commemorative stamps

Isle of Man Post Office has issued a set of six stamps commemorating the 70th Birthday of HRH Prince Charles, and the 60th anniversary of his being conferred the title Prince of Wales. The stamps have been carefully selected with the help of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RSPP).

Today we held our traditional Remembrance Service

An act of remembrance has taken place today in the staff foyer by our WW1 and WW2 war memorials where members of staff have placed poppy wreaths in remembrance of our colleagues who gave “their tomorrow for our today” and reflected on the contribution men and woman of our Island have given to allow us to enjoy our freedom today.
The ceremony concluded with the Last post at 11am and with a 2 minutes’ silence.

Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Guernsey and Jersey issue joint Limited Edition WWI Commemorative Envelope

A special commemorative envelope, limited to 1000 editions will be issued by Britain’s Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territory Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey and Gibraltar on 11 November 2018 to mark 100 years since the signing of the Armistice Treaty.

Hop Tu Naa & Yn Melliah Workshops supported by IOM Post Office Stamp Collection “Manx Folk Traditions”

IOM Post Office are proud to support Manx Curriculum and Culture Vannin in their efforts to keep Manx Traditions alive and bringing them close to the younger generation.

You can always rely on the Family of the Isle of Man Post Office!

Being a long-established and traditional company we have many employees who work have worked for the IOM Post Office for decades and some even take it a step further and make it a family matter with various generations working here.


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