Isle of Man Stamps & Coins - Philatelic Stamps
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How to make your direct mail stand out?

Since the new GDPR legislation was implemented, companies have had to adjust the way they use their customer data to market their products. With all the changes there is however one clear winner: direct mail. Compared to online advertising and marketing, direct mail has faced less regulatory challenges! Postal marketing does not require consent and subsequently offers a great opportunity to contact customers directly. But how to stand out? We have gathered a few ideas to ensure that your campaign material is eye-catching.


Send Product Samples

Free samples may not be the wheel re-invented, but it remains highly effective. Re-animate dormant customer accounts by providing an adequate size sample of your quality products. Make sure to send these product samples in a robust packaging that will further grab their attention - a large letter envelope with a bulky shape indicating that the content does not just contain a letter will generate more interest! 



Postcards? Yes Postcards! It will keep your direct mail costs down: save on envelopes and the reduced weight means a reduced postage fee. The recipient does not even have to open an envelope or unfold a letter to start reading. Sometimes it can actually be that simple!


Use stamps

Yes, real stamps still exist. They are miniature pieces of art and our Stamps & Coins department issue a wide variety every year, covering topics such as wildlife, transport, history, literature and many more! You could even have your very own stamp created – how cool is that? It will make your customer feel even more special if you consider handwriting the envelopes too but that of course depends on the volume of marketing pieces you intend to send out.


There is countless more ideas: Special packaging, 3D packaging, including something practical in your mailing like a pen that your customer is likely to use every day and that perfectly reminds them that you are available to chat.  Whatever your ideas, our team of experts will be able to help you realising your direct mailing and advise you every step of the way!

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