A selection of the finest uncut printer's panes for the true philatelist.
For the true collector, we have allowed the release of a strictly limited number of these very special uncut sheets of stamps.
The selected sheets are exactly what rolls off the printer's press and foiling machines, with the colour bars and grip left in place. Unsurprisingly, these sheets are very rarely released, making for a truly special and unique collectable.
Each sheet is individually numbered, some complete with a certificate of authenticity.
Your printer's pane will be carefully packaged to ensure it reaches you or its recipient in pristine condition.
Product Code: ABC43
Product Issue Date: 6th February 2022
A very special selection of limited edition printers sheets products
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Product Code: ZC68
Product Issue Date: 26th February 2021
Complete with a certificate of authenticity confirming the limited edition of only 95, this unique sheet set doesn't contain any perforations making it a very special collectors piece. It contains 60 stamps in total, ten stamps of each value.
Limited Edition
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