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Celtic Corvids

Collection Issue Date: 30th September 2024

Fly along with us as we take a look at the fascinating world of corvids

A fascinating look at corvids and the mythology surrounding them in local folklore. This collection of six stamps features six original artworks by local Manx artist Julia Ashby Smyth, depicting a Raven, Jackdaw, Magpie, Chough, Rook and Crow. On each stamp you will see the Manx name for each bird, beautifully woven into the artwork.

Corvids have long been associated with the darker side of events in mythology and are often linked with war and battlefields. However, all species of Corvidae possess impressive intelligence - crows for example have excellent memories and human facial recognition and are often dubbed the 'Einstein of birds'. 

Pictured: Julia Ashby Smyth

Issue Information

Available as Set, Sheet Set, Presentation Pack and First Day Cover. 

Come with us as we soar through an exploration of the local mythology and wonderful impact this family of intelligent words have had in history.

85p: Raven / Feeagh

£1.28: Chough / Caaig

£1.60: Jackdaw / Caaig Doo Gassagh

£2.31: Rook / Fannag

£2.31: Crow & Hoodie / Fannag Ghoo & Fannag Charragh

£2.72: Magpie / Madje

Technical Information

Text & Artwork Julia Ashby Smyth
Design EJC Design
Printer bpost
Process Offset Lithography
Colours 4 + metallic silver
Paper 532 Tru White Litho NEW
Perforations 11.5 per 2cm
Stamp Size 40mm x 40mm
Format Sheets of 16
Date of Issue 30th September 2024
Limited Editions Presentation Pack: 1100 First Day Cover: 1500

Collection Products

Celtic Corvids Set & Sheet Set
Celtic Corvids Set & Sheet Set

Product Code: ADM31
Product Issue Date: 30th September 2024

Explore the fascinating world of corvids with this set of six stamps.

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Celtic Corvids Presentation Pack
Celtic Corvids Presentation Pack

Product Code: ADM41
Product Issue Date: 30th September 2024

Enjoy this collection of stamps in a wonderful glossy folder

Limited Edition

Free Shipping

This item is available for pre-order.

Price: £12.17


Celtic Corvids First Day Cover
Celtic Corvids First Day Cover

Product Code: ADM91
Product Issue Date: 30th September 2024

Celebrate this mystical family of birds with a wonderful first day cover

Free Shipping

This item is available for pre-order.

Price: £12.22



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