Sub postmistress at Saddlestone calls it a day

One of the longest serving sub postmistresses has decided to call it a day after 16 years of service.

Mary Broderick has been the sub postmistress of Saddlestone Post Office in Ballaughton, Douglas since 1996. Over this time she has provided the residents of the local community with a range of postal services, all delivered to a very high standard. She has built an excellent rapport with her customers and has provided a reliable service. Mary was due to retire in a few months time, however recent ill-health has brought this forward and the Post Office and general stores will close on February 2.

Currently Isle of Man Post Office is advertising for a replacement sub postmistress/master with the closing date for interested applicants closing on February 1.

Marty Quine, General Manager Retail Network, Isle of Man Post Office said:

"Mary was serving her notice period having informed us of her intention to retire, however unfortunately due to ill-health this notice period has had to be cut short. She has been a reliable, trustworthy and courteous sub postmistress who has been a joy to work with and we wish her the very best of health and happiness in her retirement."

He added:

"Once the Post Office closes on February 2, customers can visit the following nearby locations to transact their postal business: Customer Service Centre at Postal Headquarters, Anagh Coar, Union Mills or Pulrose post offices. Any customers who usually visits Saddlestone to collect their pensions and allowances will be able to encash them at any of the above mentioned post offices after February 2. After this time the post office will be closed until we seek to find a replacement sub postmistress/master."

Mary Broderick said:

"I am grateful to the Isle of Man Post Office for their support over the past 16 years. I've really enjoyed being a sub postmistress and will miss all my customers very much. I'd like to thank customers for their loyalty and apologise for any inconvenience the closing of the Post Office and general stores will cause. I consider myself very lucky that my colleagues at the Post Office, my wonderful staff and customers have become my friends and appreciate all their support and good wishes for the future."

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