Ramsey & Douglas Post Offices conversion update

The deadline for alternative proposals to be received from affected staff and the two local authorities for the conversion of these two offices into sub Post Offices was 31st March 2015.

Isle of Man Post Office has received one proposal which will now be evaluated against the Board's criteria of requirements. A submission was also received from the Communication Workers Union (CWU) who called for a further six month delay in order for further discussions to take place. The Board will consider the points made in this submission but has been of the opinion that any further delay is not in the best interests of the business, our staff or our customers.

19 staff members are affected by the changes, and 10 have applied for and accepted alternative positions with Isle of Man Post Office under the redeployment process as agreed with the CWU and any further delay would make it very difficult to guarantee these positions remaining available.

No further statements will be made until the evaluation and approval processes have been completed.

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