Postman Peter Hudson celebrates 60 years of service

A photograph taken 60 years ago has been re-staged in recognition of Isle of Man Post Office's longest serving postman Peter Hudson.

Peter started his career with the Post Office as a telegram boy at the age of 15 in 1953 and has just reached the magnificent milestone of 60 years continuous service. A photograph taken of him as a young man delivering a telegram to the Captain of the Parish of German, Captain Christian, on a bantam motorbike was taken during his early days of his career. The telegram was a reply from St John's New Foundland in North America to St John's in the Isle of Man on the first Namesake Greetings Day. The village had previously sent a telegram to its namesake which read:

"To Civic Head – St John's New Foundland. St John's – Isle of Man Ancient Meeting Place Manx Parliament for over 1,000 years on this first Namesake Greetings Day sends good wishes to its namesake in this great Commonwealth of Nations, Christian, Captain Parish."

Having come across a copy of the photograph, it was decided to try and re-stage it to create a 'then and now' set of photographs for Peter on his 60th year with the Post Office.

Mike Kelly, Chief Executive, Isle of Man Post Office said: "We could not let Peter's milestone go by unnoticed so his manager, John Higginbotham, went to a great deal of time and effort to find a similar classic GPO Bantam motorbike from the UK and we secretly arranged everything else including a small gathering of his family and past and present colleagues to witness the occasion. When Peter arrived at St John's expecting to collect a parcel, he was amazed to be greeted by the small party and learn of the plan to reproduce the historic photograph."

Peter said: "I couldn't believe it when I arrived at St John's and saw what had been secretly planned – I was stunned! I feel very touched and honoured that so much trouble went into finding the classic bike and arranging the photograph in the same place 60 years on. I've loved working for the Post Office, I've met so many wonderful people over the years and have many memories that will last with me forever. When I joined the Post Office in 1953 both my father and sister worked for the business too so it was a real family affair. It doesn't feel like I've been working 60 years, I've enjoyed every minute of it and the job still remains a pleasure for me."

Mike added: "We congratulate Peter on his 60 years' service. He is highly regarded and respected by not only management and his colleagues, past and present, but by the customers he serves. He is a wonderful ambassador for the Post Office, a model employee and we are delighted he plans to continue to work for us a little while longer yet."

Peter Hudson 2013

Peter Hudson pictured with Mike Kelly, Chief Executive of Isle of Man Post Office

Peter Hudson original

Peter Hudson pictured handing over a telegram to Captain Christian in the 1950s

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