Post Office to Run Tender for Postal Services in Peel

Date: Wednesday 19th April 2023

Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) is running a tender exercise (on the Isle of Man Government procurement website) for the provision of counter and/or parcel collection services in Peel.

Now that the contractual three-month cooling off period in which the sub postmaster could have rescinded their termination notice has passed, IOMPO is launching a tender exercise to seek to maintain counter, postal and bill payment services in this area through the provision of a counter and/or a parcel collection point. Its preferred outcome would be to select a single preferred supplier covering both the counter and parcel collection services. However, consideration will be given to submissions from interested parties who could provide one or more of the services. This opportunity is for a fixed period, until 31st March 2025, with the option to extend one year.

Earlier this year when the sub postmaster’s termination notice was received, IOMPO ran a ‘Request for Information’ advert on the Government portal seeking to understand what interest there was from existing or new businesses in the community and this will now be explored more formally through a tender exercise.

Stu Peters MHK, Chairman of Isle of Man Post Office said: “On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the outgoing sub postmaster for the services she has provided on our behalf and that of our commercial partners for the past 9 years. This formal tender process builds on the more informal Requests for Information previously issued and based upon that feedback, IOMPO would feel confident in successfully appointing a new sub postmaster to continue to provide services to the community of Peel.”

The closing date for expressing an interest in the tender is noon Friday 5th May 2023.

Information can be found online on IOMPO’s website and on the Isle of Man Government website . An update following the tender exercise will be issued in due course.

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