Isle of Man Post Office announces details of new Ramsey and central Douglas Post Office operators

Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) has agreed in principle to appoint Mannin Retail Ltd to operate the Post Office in central Douglas and Ramsey Courthouse Ltd to operate the Post Office in Ramsey. Both these appointments are subject to the agreement of all relevant terms.

Detailed discussions will now take place with both service providers to finalise contractual arrangements and transitional plans.

Once these agreements have been concluded, IOMPO is confident that these appointments will continue to provide a quality service to both communities whilst delivering much needed cost savings in the operation of the post office retail network. The transfer of operations to the new service providers will achieve savings of £360k pa in operational costs, helping to protect post office services throughout the Island into the future.

Ramsey Courthouse Ltd (a company to be formed) involves existing IOMPO staff members, local authority representatives (acting in a personal capacity) and local community representatives. IOMPO is looking forward to working in partnership with Ramsey Courthouse Ltd.

Nine of the 19 affected staff have conditionally accepted redeployment positions within IOMPO, and further discussions with trade unions and staff will continue as the transition plan is finalised.

Graham Cregeen MHK, Chairman of Isle of Man Post Office said: "We are looking forward to being able to maintain services to customers in Ramsey and central Douglas while delivering the substantial operational savings needed to help protect the Post Office network."

"Ramsey Courthouse Ltd is the coming together of a community which has shown tremendous loyalty to the postal services in Ramsey. This creates a unique opportunity for the community to support its Post Office into the future."

IOMPO would like to thank the CWU for their input during this process and for taking the time to provide an alternative submission. IOMPO has regular meetings with the trade unions and this dialogue will continue.

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