Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) wishes to advise customers that Crosby Terrace Post Office situated in Laureston Terrace, Douglas, will close for business at the end of August. Sub Postmaster Jack Coop has tendered his resignation to retire after almost 19 years of running the post office.

The sub postmaster role will not be advertised at this time. IOMPO is preparing an all-Island public consultation to be issued during the summer, seeking feedback from customers about letter delivery service and the services provided through the network of Post Offices across the Island. The digital era is changing the way people and businesses transact their postal business, leading to a sustained reduction in people using the counter-based services, a reduction in businesses wishing to offer counter services through the network, and a continued decline in letter mail (47% drop in letter volume in the last 10 years).

The Post Office network is loss making. IOMPO is keen to work with the network of local businesses that act as sub postmasters to provide a modern, efficient service that meets the needs of the community, customers, and the customers of the broader Isle of Man Government and businesses that IOMPO provide services for, in an innovative and financially responsible way. The output from the consultation will be used to inform the way IOMPO provides its services in the future.

Julie Edge MHK, Chairman of IOMPO said: "We accept Mr Coop's decision to retire and wish to express our sincere thanks to him for his exemplary loyalty and dedication to providing postal services to customers for such a long time. We recognise that customers will be saddened by the news and I've no doubt he will be much missed by his customers. We wish him and his family a long, healthy and happy retirement."

"Mindful of the change this will have on MiCard customers in particular, we are working closely with the Social Security Division and the MHKs for Douglas East, Clare Bettison MHK and Chris Robertshaw MHK, to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum" she added.

Mary Gaffney, General Manager for Retail & Customer Services, IOMPO said: "We are ensuring the needs of customers are met and are in contact with the relevant organisations to help manage the change. We wish to ensure steps are taken to make the transition for customers to collect welfare payments from a different nominated post office is as smooth as possible. MiCard customers can, if they wish, choose to nominate a person to collect benefits/pensions on their behalf by way of a proxy. A letter to all MiCard customers has been sent explaining the process they should follow."

"We are aware that many of Crosby Terrace Post Office's customers reside across the Douglas area and when the office closes on 31st August, there are a range of alternative post offices located within a two-mile radius of the office, as well as some in the surrounding areas, which customers will be encouraged to use." she added.

List of alternative post offices:
1. Windsor Road, Douglas
2. Douglas Post Office (Strand Street)
3. Willaston Post Office
4. Governors Hill Post Office
5. Kirk Onchan Post Office
6. Royal Avenue Post Office
7. Pulrose Post Office
8. Anagh Coar Post Office
9. Union Mills Post Office
10. Douglas Sorting Office

An Island-wide Post Office map and associated opening times of each office can be found here.
More information about MiCard can be found here.

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