Post Office prepares to host European philately conference

Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) is to host the 2017 Small European Postal Administration Cooperation's (Sepac) conference next week.

The two-day forum, which starts on the 3rd July at the Sefton Hotel in Douglas, will see more than 14 delegates attending from Posts around Europe including Aland, Malta, Luxembourg, Faroe Islands and the Vatican to name just a few.

Maxine Cannon, General Manager Isle of Man Stamps & Coins of Isle of Man Post Office, said: "We are delighted to host the conference for the first time in the Cooperation's' history. I believe there are many benefits for small Posts meeting together to discuss our changing industry as we are all facing the same kind of challenges. IOMPO has been a member of Sepac since its inception in 1999. It allows us to share our experiences and gain the knowledge of our counterparts across Europe and come together as one on an annual basis to discuss topical issues and challenges as we all consider how our industry will develop in the future. The synergy amongst the Sepac members is something we at Isle of Man Post Office very much value."

"We are looking forward to next week's forum where we have a varied programme with some very interesting speakers and time built into the itinerary for our visitors to learn about and see first-hand our beautiful Island. The conference has been timed to coincide with Manx National Week and we are very grateful to the President of Tynwald and the staff of the Clerk of Tynwald's Office for their invaluable help and assistance in adding a 'Manx feel' to some of the activities planned during the programme" she added.

Emile Espen, Chairman of Sepac of Post Luxembourg said: "The delegates of Sepac and myself are looking forward with great expectations to our general assembly, this year on the Isle of Man. An interesting agenda is waiting for us. Everything has been perfectly organised by Isle of Man Post Office and I'm sure that this meeting will be a great success."

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