Isle of Man Post Office releases a set of scenic stamps that showcases the work of Manx artists, David Byrne and the late Nancy Corkish

Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) showcases the works of two celebrated Manx artists and their inspirations derived from their rural dwelling at Cregneash, a village nearby the southern tip of the Isle of Man. 

This scenic and colourful set of stamps with popular artwork by two respected local artists, one recently deceased will be issued by Isle of Man Post Office in recognition of their lifelong commtiment to local art.

David Byrne and Nancy Corkish lived together in the last house on the road before The Sound in Cregneash for 28 years. During that time they were inspired by the atmospheric landscape and sense of place to produce hundreds of watercolour paintings which have been enjoyed by a great many Manx people.

Nancy was also well known for a variety of illustration commissions including a number of our stamp issues over a period of almost forty years. She died in January 2021 and this issue is intended, in part, to form both a tribute to her memory and a demonstration of her sensitivity and talent. It also records her close artistic partnership and working relationship with fellow-artist David Byrne.

David, now into his 90’s, still lives in their Cregneash cottage. Like Nancy he has been a well-known figure in the Manx art scene for decades, with paintings in a great many Manx collections, but this is his first set of stamps. He is also a Manx speaker, so we and he felt it was appropriate to use the Manx issue title Creneash, y Balley Ain to more closely associate with this most beautiful and protected ancient landscape. The title has been supplied by Culture Vannin’s Yn Greinneyder and translates as Cregneash, Our Home.

The set has been extended to eight stamps in order to properly respect Nancy and David’s individual and joint contributions by pairing and contrasting their respective visions of their shared home and surrounds. Similar but different subjects have been selected and balanced across the set. The scenes are not restricted to Cregneash village but encompass the whole peninsula to capture the varied topography, dramatic skies, changing weather and seasons and the sense of belonging that both artists shared.

Artist David Byrne said: “I am delighted and honoured to see the work of Nancy and myself paired together on these stamps. We have lived at Cregneash for many years, witnessing all seasons and the dramatic effects of nature on the landscape. I hope the artworks of our home are enjoyed by many.”

Maxine Cannon, General Manager Isle of Man Stamps & Coins, said: “I have long admired the work of David Byrne and Nancy Corkish. It gives me great pleasure to see their watercolours of the most southern tip of our island so beautifully curated by Carola Rush of Icon Imaging, Emma Cooke of EJC Design and my colleague Paul Ford.


For more information, or to pre-order the stamps visit


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