Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) has teamed up with Manx photographer and historian, Ray Kelly, to commission a set of six stamps featuring some of the Island's last remaining tholtans. The word tholtan is Manx Gaelic for 'abandoned home, farmstead, mill or other industrial building'.

This highly collectable collection of six stamps provides a picture of the daily lives of those who lived on the Isle of Man, dating as far back as the 19th century, thus offering a glimpse into the Island's history.

Isle of Man Stamps and Coins General Manager, Maxine Cannon said, "The Isle of Man has a rich history and the photographs of the tholtans by Ray Kelly are evidence of that. These tholtans, whilst derelict and abandoned, are precious national treasures, as they give valuable insights into the daily lives of the Manx people of yesteryears."

Maxine added, "We are very proud to introduce this set of stamps that features a selection of picturesque stone ruins around the Island, and play our part in contributing to the preservation of Manx culture and heritage."

Ray Kelly started to photograph tholtans 30 years ago, when he realised with dismay that the tholtans were fast deteriorating, thus giving him the impetus to record his fascinating journey exploring these ruins.

Ray said, "I have encountered tholtans in various states of disrepair; some are a mere pile of stones. Each year they deteriorate further as they are exposed to the elements, so it has been important for me to encapsulate their essence before they disappear totally."

Ray Kelly is currently exhibiting his photographs of tholtans at the Manx Museum. The exhibition ends on the 28th of January 2018.

The issue date for IOMPO Manx Tholtans stamp collection is the 5th of January 2018. It is available for purchase via post, telephone (01624 698430) or online.

IOMPO offers a 'no quibble' return policy, free worldwide delivery and aims to despatch an order within 24 hours by First Class post (Monday to Friday). For more information about IOMPO's stamp collection or delivery policies, customers can visit IOMPO's website www.iomstamps.com


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