Why Technology Giants use Direct Mail

If you want proof that direct Direct Mail works, you only need to look at some of the names that use this channel as an integral part of their marketing strategy. In particular, it may surprise you that some of the biggest technology firms in the world employ Direct Mail to access new customers and engage with existing ones.

Let's take one example, Google. If you're in business and you've signed up for a bank account, joined a professional organisation, taken out a subscription to a business magazine or registered a new company, you've probably received a little white envelope with a voucher for Google AdWords. The vouchers is usually worth about £75 or $100 and costs Google nothing more than the access to the data list and the outlay for print and postage, but they have found that it's one of the most effective ways to attract customers who will go on to spend serious cash on one of their campaigns.

The use of unique codes means that Google can track the outcomes of its Direct Mail campaigns very carefully, including monitoring which lists are providing the most responses. This means that the target audience for the ongoing campaign can be fine-tuned to deliver maximum ROI. This is simple technology that even the smallest businesses can take advantage of, creating unique mailers for each client with one-off codes and even individually tailored content.

So why does Google choose Direct Mail? The simple answer is tangible presence. These campaigns are aimed primarily at people starting their own businesses, so there will be hundreds of different emails vying for attention in their inbox. A simple, personalised mailer from Google, sitting among all the brown and white envelopes in the post bag, will grab their attention and, as marketing their new venture is a key priority, they are very likely to act on it.

We don't know for certain what the success rate of the Google Direct Mail campaigns is, but the fact they've continued to do it for over a decade is testament to its success. Developments in online and print capabilities means that Google can target and evolve its campaigns constantly in order to maintain the momentum, which is why advances in technology are actually the future of Direct Mail, and not it's enemy.

The simple fact is that, no matter how good an online flyer might be, people still place more trust in a paper-based promotional mailer and they're more likely to read it. Of course, the offer of free stuff always helps, which is maybe one reason why Google has achieved success with its campaigns, and this holds true in all sectors, not just online advertising.
The good news for eGaming businesses is that you will usually have something to give away, so the key thing is to generate interest, which is why an intriguing message is the first crucial step. Once you've got the recipient's attention, you need to hook them in and encourage them to respond by using a clear call to action. That's where online technology becomes the real ally of Direct Mail, providing a simple and rapid way to engage with the target audience.

It's all about simplicity and messaging. Every aspect of the campaign should work together from the mailer through to the landing page and even the URL. Google keeps it simple throughout, relying on the free advertising offer to draw you in, but the needs of your business may be different.

Combining cost effective Direct Mail with a bespoke mobile technology can be a simple and effective way to reach out to existing players as well as finding new ones.

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