Losing sleep over compliance and regulatory mailings?

In recent years the industry has needed to send mailings for CRS, FATCA, GDPR, EUSTD…. the list goes on. Alongside these regulatory communications, you also need to do your business as usual items such as KYC, remediation, receipts, renewals...

Whilst the big projects like CRS only come up every now and again, can you really afford to have employees dedicated to these mailouts and taken away from their role for what could be days or even weeks? When you add in to the mix your daily mailings the hours really do add up. These employees could be utilised elsewhere on much more productive tasks.

Maybe you’re even paying for a dedicated post room? Again, these costs could be much more effective spent elsewhere, such as bringing new business in.

Aside from the costs and time associated there is also the risk of a data breach if the wrong item is put in the wrong envelope. This is one of the main issues our current customers have found!

This is where outsourcing your transactional mail comes in.

Leave your mailings to the experts and all you’ll need to worry about is sending your dedicated expert Account Manager your data and key dates.

So what can we do for your transactional mailings?

1.       Take everything off your desk.

Leave it all to us. Just send us your electronic data and we’ll handle the rest. From input and mail merge to fulfilment and dispatch, we can even handle responses and returns management to comply with the latest regulatory issues facing your team. And yes, all under one roof!

2.       Quick and quality service

Our digital printers can print over 10,000 personalised pages an hour with quick machine envelopment and items going straight in to the mail stream – a service that is entirely unique to us.

3.       Competitive postage rates

With everything done in house at Isle of Man Post Office Headquarters we can offer you savings on your bulk mailings.

4.       Secure and confidential

We’ve been working with the banking and insurance industry for over 20 years, offering them consistent accuracy and reliability. According to our latest customer survey (September 2019) 100% of our clients rate our security and confidentiality as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ so you know your customer data is in safe hands and data breaches are limited.

5.       No minimum quantities

If you need a small, quick mail out we’re here to help! As a single integrated supplier we can offer you short lead times on personalised print in your desired format.

Just think of Integrated Mailing Solutions as a really effective and productive member of the team!

Contact us today. We are happy to help so let's talk! Call us on 01624 698444 or email sales@iompost.com

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