Mail Franking

Mail Franking

The cost effective way of dealing with your mail

What is mail franking?

In simple terms, franking is a pre-paid postage option where a franking mark is printed directly onto your outgoing post. The benefits include reducing your operational costs and managing your overall spend by knowing your exact monthly outlay.

With our unique positioning as the Isle of Man’s official mail service, we’re able to collect and then weigh, zone, frank and dispatch directly into the mail stream - meaning no delays to your customer communications.

Save Costs

Outsourcing your outgoing mail to us can save you from needing a dedicated post room, or free up vital staff resource to focus on more important tasks.

High Quality Service

Our fully trained and accredited team has years of experience, so you know your post will always be professionally handled, presenting a superior finish and image to your customers.

We also offer an ad-hoc service should your business need support on a one-off basis or during busy times.


Give our team a call today on 698444 and see how we can help offer you an outsourced mailroom, from print to packing and sending.

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